This extension contributes the following settings:
auxon.tooldir: The directory where the Auxon tool binaries (modality, conform, etc) may be found.
auxon.authToken: The user authentication token to use when connecting to the Modality backend. If not given, defaults to the auth token configured in the Modality CLI.
auxon.modalityUrl: The URL of the Auxon Modality backend server. If not given defaults, to the URL configured in the Modality CLI, or else to 'http://localhost:14181'.
auxon.allowInsecureHttps: Ignore certificate validation for https connections. If not given, defaults to the setting configured in the Modality CLI, or else to false.
auxon.extraEnv: Extra environment variables that will be passed tool executables, including the SpeQTr LSP server.
Python: The Jupyter notebooks require Python 3, jupyter, pandas, and plotly packages to be installed. We recommend
creating an isolated environment for this using venv.
Extensions: The extension will automatically install the tintinweb.graphviz-interactive-preview
and ms-toolsai.jupyter extensions by default when installed from the marketplace