astrea-react-snippets READMEReact and Javascript snippets for Astrea Featuresaupt: Create and import prop types with component name auptd: Create and import prop types and default props with component name auin: index.js file boilerplate for components Testsaut: Test archetype for react component autws: Test archetype (without props) for react component auts:Test archetype for react component with custom store aunt: Test archetype for react native component aunts: Test archetype for react native component with custom store auit: Test function with a setup auat: Async test function with a setup auitgbt: Test function with a setup and a expect using getByText function auatgbt: Async test function with a setup and a expect using getByText function auact: Act function auactfc: Act function with click fire event auch: Custom react hook aucmod: Confirmation modal React nativectlg: Reactotron console.log |