MaxScript language support
Autodesk 3ds Max Scripting language (MaxScript) support.
- Syntax highlight.
- Grammar error checking
- Semantic syntax highlight
- Code autocompletion
- Outline symbols
- Go to definition and peek definition in document
- Workspace symbols
- Find all references
- Rename symbol
- Code formatter
- Code minify
- Code prettifier
- Code online documentation
- Snippets
Known limitations
Implementing a solution for these limitations will require a full interpreter:
- Renaming a parameter in a function definition, will not rename the parameter on function calls
- Parameters in a function call that have the same name that a parameter in a containing function will refer to that parameter instead of the caller function
- Functions and struct members with the same name will not be properly matched when requesting the definition, references and rename from a property access or call

Release Notes
Extension Settings
"maxscript.completions": true | false,
"maxscript.gotosymbol": true | false,
"maxscript.gotodefinition": true | false,
"maxscript.semantics": true | false,
"maxscript.helpprovider": string,
"maxscript.completions.dataBaseCompletion": true | false,
"maxscript.completions.codeCompletion": true | false,
"maxscript.formatter.codeblock": {
"parensInNewLine": true | false,
"newlineAllways": false | false,
"spaced": true | false,
"maxscript.formatter.statements": {
"useLineBreaks": true | false,
"optionalWhitespace": false | false
"maxscript.formatter.list": {
"useLineBreaks": false | false
"maxscript.prettifier": {
"filePrefix": "string",
"expressionsToBlock": true | false,
"maxscript.minifier": {
"filePrefix": "string",
"removeUnnecessaryScopes": true | false,
"condenseWhitespace": true | false,

Syntax Highlight
Basic settings for Custom highlighting.
There is a list of available scopes here, and some example rules here
* Syntax highlight options for language maxscript
"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
"textMateRules": [
"name": "Todo",
"scope": "documentation.todo.mxs",
"settings": { "foreground": "#4bd621", "fontStyle": "bold" }
"name": "Fixme",
"scope": "documentation.fixme.mxs",
"settings": { "foreground": "#ce55d3", "fontStyle": "bold" }
"name": "Plain text",
"scope": "documentation.plain.mxs",
"settings": { "foreground": "#cecece", "fontStyle": ""}
Executing MaxScript
MXSPyCOM project allow for editing & execution of 3ds Max MaxScript and Python files from external code editors.
- Get it here: MXSPyCOM by Jeff Hannna
- Follow the configuration guide to register the COM server.
- Set up a vscode task:
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"label": "MXSPyCOM execute Script",
"type": "shell",
// Add MXSPyCOM.exe to PATH or use file root, i.e: "C:/MXSPyCOM/MXSPyCOM.exe"
"args": [
{ "value": "${file}", "quoting": "strong" }
"group": "test",
"presentation": {
"echo": true,
"reveal": "silent",
"focus": false,
"panel": "shared"
- run the task, enjoy the 3ds max listener catching errors.
Note: MaxScript Structure is to say at least, chaotic. I've done my best to organize structs, classes, interfaces and so on. However the grammar is usable enough.