This extension creates in-memory index of files in opened folder and allows user to open them via workbench.action.showAllSymbols (Go To Symbol In Workspace) command. For folders containing big number of files it works much faster than standard VS Code feature workbench.action.quickOpen.
Quick open files by
filename part
fuzzy pattern (e.g. 'sod' would match 'SomeMatchingDataFile.txt')
Exclude paths from indexing using glob patterns
Disable index search for specific languages
folder-indexing.exclude : glob patterns to exclude from index
folder-indexing.searchResultMaxSize : maximal count of lines to show in symbol search dropdown
folder-indexing.searchMode : sets target which index search is performed on:
filename: find symbol matches in filename
fullpath: find symbol matches in full path (slower and less stable)
folder-indexing.searchDisablingLanguages : active text editor language ids for which index search should be disabled
folder-indexing.rebuildindex (Folder Indexing: Rebuild) : rebuild index (e.g. if something's wrong)