A VSCode extension for Lua snippets and templates for modding the game "Project Zomboid".
auto-complete typing wallet-<template> to apply snippets & templates.
How to use
Open the .lua file in VSCode.
Type wallet-
Select one of the snippets or templates and hit ENTER.
The snippet or template is applied to the text cursor in your document.
How to install the project
Clone the repository
Execute git submodule update --remote. This will pull the templates from PZ-Wallet-Templates.
execute npm i
run npm run watch to compile the TypeScript to JavaScript in the out/ folder.
Hit F5 to start the debugger in VSCode. This will open up a new VSCode window with the extension loaded.
Open or create a new file with the Lua language selected.
Type wallet- and you should see templates populate.
Update Templates
Templates are located in %USER_HOME%/documents/asledgehammer/vscode/pz-wallet/templates/. The PZ-Wallet-Templates
repository is checked and pulled everytime the extension loads. Other templates may be placed inside the templates folder.
PZ-Wallet: Reload Templates
Reloads templates without relaunching vscode to update them.
PZ-Wallet: Open Templates Folder
Opens a new vscode window pointing at the templates folder mentioned above.
Release Notes
Added @template-insert [template_id] annotation, allowing for templates to insert other templates for organization
and including dependent code.