A simple Discord.py boilerplate generator updated for 2022
The extension is inspired by discord.py Code Snippets by Wasi Master.
The code in the snippets is a simple and effective way to load multiple cogs for a Discord.py project.
v1.1.0 Release
Added !shutdown, !onmessage and, !ontyping .
Create Local Extension
cd ./.vscode/extensions
git clone https://github.com/AryaanSheth/Discord.py-Snippets4Cogs
You will not receive live updates if you download the library locally
pip install discord.py
pip install discord
Starting A Project
In your project root create a main.py file and type !cogmain
create a new folder in root called cogs
In the folder create startup.py and type !startup
To create a custom cog, create a new file cogName.py and type !cog