Trackify is a VS Code extension that tracks and analyzes your coding patterns by monitoring file changes, typing behavior, and window focus events. It generates detailed analytics about your coding sessions that can be used for insights and productivity analysis.
Automatic Change Tracking: Automatically tracks all code changes in your workspace
Smart Event Detection:
Typing sessions with speed and pattern analysis
Copy-paste operations
File renames and saves
Window focus duration
Detailed Analytics:
Characters typed and spaces used
Line changes and positions
Typing speed (characters per second)
Change patterns (min/max/average change lengths)
Session durations
Privacy-Focused: Only tracks metadata, never stores actual code content
Workspace Integration: Works with any workspace and automatically starts tracking
Install the extension from VS Code Marketplace
Open a workspace/folder in VS Code
The extension will automatically start tracking changes
The extension works automatically in the background. All events are stored in a .trackify.jsonl file in your workspace root.
Available Commands
Trackify: Clean Tracking File - Clears the tracking history