& |
..e |
& { } |
..ef |
&__ |
..eb ..ebem |
.className { } |
... |
::after |
..a ..aft ..after |
::before |
..b ..bef ..before |
::marker |
..mk ..marker |
::selection |
..sl ..selection |
:active |
..ac ..act ..active |
:any-link |
..al ..any-link |
:autofill |
..af ..autofill |
:blank |
..blk ..blank |
:checked |
..c ..chk ..check ..checked |
:default |
..d ..df ..default |
:defined |
..dfn ..defined |
:dir(ltr/rtl) |
..dir |
:disabled |
..ds ..dis ..disabled |
:empty |
..emp ..empty |
:enabled |
..eni ..enb ..enabled |
:first |
..fs ..first |
:first-child |
..fsc ..ftch ..first-child |
::first-letter |
..fsl ..ftlt ..first-letter |
::first-line |
..fsln ..ftln ..first-line |
:first-of-type |
..fst ..fstp ..first-of-type |
:focus |
..fc ..focus |
:focus-visible |
..fcv ..fcvis ..focus-visible |
:focus-within |
..fcw ..fcwit ..focus-within |
:fullscreen |
..fus ..fullscreen |
:has() |
..ha ..has |
:host() |
..ht ..host |
:host-context() |
..htc ..host-context |
:hover |
..h ..hv ..hover |
:in-range |
..ir ..in-range |
:indeterminate |
..ind ..indeterminate |
:invalid |
..inv ..invalid |
:is() |
..is |
:lang() |
..l ..lng ..lang |
:last-child |
..lsc ..last-child |
:last-of-type |
..lstp ..last-of-type |
:left |
..lf ..left |
:link |
..lk ..link |
:not() |
..n ..not |
:nth-child() |
..nthc ..nth-child |
:nth-last-child() |
..nthlc ..nth-last-child |
:nth-last-of-type() |
..nthlot ..nth-last-of-type |
:nth-of-type() |
..nthot ..nth-of-type |
:only-child |
..oc ..only-child |
:only-of-type |
..oot ..only-of-type |
:optional |
..opt ..optional |
:out-of-range |
..or ..out-of-range |
:placeholder |
..ph ..placeholder |
:placeholder-shown |
..phs ..placeholder-shown |
:read-only |
..ro ..read-only |
:read-write |
..rw ..read-write |
:required |
..rq ..required |
:right |
..rt ..right |
:root |
..ro ..root |
:scope |
..sc ..scope |
:target |
..tg ..target |
:valid |
..vl ..valid |
:visited |
..vis ..visited |
:where |
..w ..where |
align-content: ; |
ac |
align-items: ; |
ai |
align-self: ; |
as |
all: ; |
al all |
all: inherit; |
alh allh |
all: initial; |
ali alli |
all: unset; |
alu allu |
animation: ; |
ani animation |
animation-delay 1s; |
anidl animation-delay |
animation-direction: ; |
anidir animation-direction |
animation-duration: 1s; |
anid animation-duration |
animation-fill-mode: ; |
anifm animation-fill-mode |
animation-iteration-count: ; |
anic animation-iteration-count |
animation-name: ; |
anin animation-name |
animation-play-state: ; |
anips animation-play-state |
animation-timing-function: ; |
anitf animation-timing-function |
attr() |
at attr |
backface-visibility: ; |
bv backface-visibility |
background: ; |
bk back background |
background-attachment: ; |
bka backa background-attachment |
background-blend-mode: ; |
bkb bkbm backbm background-blend-mode |
background-clip: ; |
bkcp backcp background-clip |
background-color: ; |
bkc backc background-color |
background-image: ; |
bki backi background-image |
background-origin: ; |
bko backo background-origin |
background-position: ; |
bkp backp background-position |
background-repeat: ; |
bkr backr background-repeat |
background-size: ; |
bks backs background-size |
border: 1px solid #000; |
bd border |
border-bottom: 1px solid #000; |
bdb border-bottom |
border-bottom-color: ; |
bdbc border-bottom-color |
border-bottom-left-radius: ; |
bdblr border-bottom-left-radius |
border-bottom-right-radius: ; |
bdbrr border-bottom-right-radius |
border-bottom-style: ; |
bdbs border-bottom-style |
border-bottom-width: ; |
bdbw border-bottom-width |
border-collapse: ; |
bdcp border-collapse |
border-color: ; |
bdcl border-color |
border-image: ; |
bdi border-image |
border-image-outset: ; |
bdio border-image-outset |
border-image-repeat: ; |
bdir border-image-repeat |
border-image-slice: ; |
bdisl border-image-slice |
border-image-source: ; |
bdisr border-image-source |
border-image-width: ; |
bdiw border-image-width |
border-left: 1px solid #000; |
bdl border-left |
border-left-color: ; |
bdlc border-left-color |
border-left-style: ; |
bdls border-left-style |
border-left-width: ; |
bdlw border-left-width |
border-radius: 10px; |
bdr border-radius |
border-radius: 10px; |
bdr1 border-radius-1 |
border-radius: 10px 10px; |
bdr2 border-radius-2 |
border-radius: 10px 10px 10px; |
bdr3 border-radius-3 |
border-radius: 10px 10px 10px 10px; |
bdr4 border-radius-4 |
border-right: 1px solid #000; |
bdr border-right |
border-right-color: ; |
bdrc border-right-color |
border-right-style: ; |
bdrs border-right-style |
border-right-width: ; |
bdrw border-right-width |
border-spacing: ; |
bdsp border-spacing |
border-style: ; |
bdst bdstl border-style |
border-top: 1px solid #000; |
bdt border-top |
border-top-color: ; |
bdtc border-top-color |
border-top-left-radius: ; |
bdtlr border-top-left-radius |
border-top-right-radius: ; |
bdtrr border-top-right-radius |
border-top-style: ; |
bdts border-top-style |
border-top-width: ; |
bdtw border-top-width |
border-width: ; |
bdw border-width |
bottom: ; |
bt btt bottom |
box-after: ; |
bxa box-after |
box-decoration-break: ; |
bxdb box-decoration-break |
box-shadow: ; |
bxs box-shadow |
box-sizing: ; |
bxz box-sizing |
break-before: ; |
brb break-before |
break-inside: ; |
bri break-inside |
calc() |
calc |
caption-side: ; |
cps caption-side |
caret-color: : |
ccl caret-color |
@charset "UTF-8"; |
ch charset |
clear: ; |
clr clear |
clip: ; |
cp clip |
clip-path: ; |
cpth clip-path |
color: ; |
cl color |
column-count: ; |
colc column-count |
column-fill: ; |
colf column-fill |
column-gap: ; |
colg column-gap |
column-rule: ; |
colrl column-rule |
column-rule-color: ; |
colrc column-rule-color |
column-rule-style: ; |
colrst colrstl column-rule-style |
column-rule-width: ; |
colrw column-rule-width |
column-span: ; |
colsp column-span |
column-width: ; |
colwd column-width |
columns: ; |
cols columns |
conic-gradient() |
conic conic-gradient |
content: ; |
ctt content |
counter() |
counter |
counter-increment: ; |
cti counter-increment |
counter-reset: ; |
ctr counter-reset |
cubic-bezier(n,n,n,n) |
cubic cubic-bezier |
cursor: default; |
cr cursor |
cursor: alias; |
cral cursor-alias |
cursor: auto; |
cra cursor-auto |
cursor: ceils; |
crc cursor-ceils |
cursor: col-resize; |
crcr cursor-col-resize |
cursor: context-menu; |
crcm cursor-context-menu |
cursor: copy; |
crcp cursor-copy |
cursor: crosshair; |
crch cursor-crosshair |
cursor: default; |
crd cursor-default |
cursor: help; |
crh cursor-help |
cursor: inherit; |
crh cursor-inherit |
cursor: initial; |
cri cursor-initial |
cursor: move; |
crm cursor-move |
cursor: none; |
crn cursor-none |
cursor: pointer; |
crp cursor-pointer |
cursor: progress; |
crpg cursor-progress |
cursor: text; |
crt cursor-text |
cursor: vertical-text; |
crvt cursor-vertical-text |
cursor: wait; |
crw cursor-wait |
cursor: zoom-in; |
crzi cursor-zoom-in |
cursor: zoom-out; |
crzo cursor-zoom-out |
direction: ; |
dir direction |
direction: inherit; |
dirh direction-inherit |
direction: initial; |
diri direction-initial |
direction: ltr; |
dirr direction-ltr |
direction: rtl; |
dirl direction-rtl |
display: ; |
d dis display |
display: block; |
db display-block |
display: contents; |
dc display-contents |
display: flex; |
df display-flex |
display: grid; |
dg display-grid |
display: inherit; |
dh display-inherit |
display: initial; |
di display-initial |
display: inline; |
di display-inline |
display: inline-block; |
dib display-inline-block |
display: inline-flex; |
dif display-inline-flex |
display: inline-grid; |
dig display-inline-grid |
display: inline-table; |
dit display-inline-table |
display: list-item; |
dli display-list-item |
display: none; |
dn display-none |
display: run-in; |
dri display-run-in |
display: table; |
dt display-table |
display: table-caption; |
dtc display-table-caption |
display: table-cell |
dtc display-table-cell |
display: table-column; |
dtcl display-table-column |
display: table-column-group; |
dtcg display-table-column-group |
display: table-footer-group; |
dtfg display-table-footer-group |
display: table-header-group; |
dthg display-table-header-group |
display: table-row; |
dtr display-table-row |
display: table-row-group; |
dtrg display-table-row-group |
em |
em |
empty-cells: ; |
empc empty-cells |
filter: ; |
ft filter |
filter: blur(10px); |
ftb ftbl filter-blur |
filter: brightness(10%); |
ftbr filter-brightness |
filter: contrast(10%); |
ftc filter-contrast |
filter: drop-shadow(); |
ftds filter-drop-shadow |
filter: grayscale(10%); |
ftg ftgs filter-grayscale |
filter: hue-rotate(10deg); |
fthr filter-hue-rotate |
filter: inherit; |
fth filter-inherit |
filter: initial; |
fti filter-initial |
filter: invert(10%); |
fti filter-invert |
filter: none; |
ftn filter-none |
filter: opacity(10%); |
fto filter-opacity |
filter: saturate(10%); |
ftst filter-saturate |
filter: sepia(10%); |
fts ftsp filter-sepia |
filter: url(); |
ftu filter-url |
flex: ; |
f fx flex |
flex-basis: ; |
fb flex-basis |
flex-direction: ; |
fd flex-direction |
flex-direction: column; |
fdc flex-direction-column |
flex-direction: column-reverse; |
fdcr flex-direction-column-reverse |
flex-direction: inherit; |
fdh flex-direction-inherit |
flex-direction: initial; |
fdi flex-direction-initial |
flex-direction: row; |
fdr flex-direction-row |
flex-direction: row-reverse; |
fdrr flex-direction-row-reverse |
flex-flow: ; |
ff flex-flow |
flex-grow: ; |
fg flex-grow |
flex-shrink: ; |
fs flex-shrink |
flex-wrap: ; |
fw flex-wrap |
flex-wrap: inherit; |
fwh flex-wrap-inherit |
flex-wrap: initial; |
fwi flex-wrap-initial |
flex-wrap: nowrap; |
fwn flex-wrap-nowrap |
flex-wrap: wrap; |
fww flex-wrap-wrap |
flex-wrap: wrap-reverse; |
fwr flex-wrap-wrap-reverse |
float: ; |
fl float |
float: inherit; |
flh float-inherit |
float: initial; |
fli float-initial |
float: left; |
fll float-left |
float: none; |
fln float-none |
float: right; |
flr float-right |
font: ; |
fn font |
font-face: ; |
fnfa font-face |
font-family: ; |
fnf font-family |
font-family-generic: ; |
fnfg font-family-generic |
font-feature-settings: ; |
fnfs font-feature-settings |
font-kerning: ; |
fnk font-kerning |
font-size: ; |
fns font-size |
font-size-adjust: ; |
fnsa font-size-adjust |
font-size: 1em; |
fnse font-size-em |
font-size: 16%; |
fnsp font-size-percentual |
font-size: 16px; |
fnsx font-size-pixel |
font-size: 1rem; |
fnsr font-size-rem |
font-stretch: ; |
fnst font-stretch |
font-style: ; |
fnstl font-style |
font-variant: ; |
fnv font-variant |
font-variant-caps: ; |
fnvc font-variant-caps |
font-weight: ; |
fnw font-weight |
gap: ; |
gp gap |
gap: column-gap; |
gpc gap-column-gap |
gap: row-gap; |
gpr gap-row-gap |
grid: ; |
gd grid |
grid-area: ; |
gda grid-area |
grid-auto-columns: ; |
gdac grid-auto-columns |
grid-auto-flow: ; |
gdaf grid-auto-flow |
grid-auto-rows: ; |
gdaf grid-auto-rows |
grid-column: ; |
gdcl grid-column |
grid-column-end: ; |
gdcle grid-column-end |
grid-column-gap: ; |
gdclg grid-column-gap |
grid-column-start: ; |
gdcla grid-column-start |
grid-gap: ; |
gdg grid-gap |
grid: inherit; |
gdh grid-inherit |
grid: initial; |
gdi grid-initial |
grid: none; |
gdn grid-none |
grid-row: ; |
gdr grid-row |
grid: grid-template-rows / grid-template-columns; |
gdrc grid-row-column |
grid-row-end: ; |
gdre grid-row-end |
grid-row-gap: ; |
gdrg grid-row-gap |
grid-row-start: ; |
gdrs grid-row-start |
grid-template: ; |
gdt grid-template |
grid-template-area: ; |
gdta grid-template-area |
grid-template-columns: ; |
gdtc grid-template-columns |
grid-template-rows: ; |
gdtr grid-template-rows |
hanging-punctuation: ; |
hp hanging-punctuation |
height: ; |
h ht height |
height: auto; |
hta height-auto |
height: inherit; |
hth height-inherit |
height: initial; |
hti height-initial |
height: 100%; |
htp height-percentual |
height: 10px; |
htx height-pixel |
hsl() |
hsl |
hyphens: ; |
hy hyphens |
hyphens: auto; |
hya hyphens-auto |
hyphens: inherit; |
hyh hyphens-inherit |
hyphens: initial; |
hyi hyphens-initial |
hyphens: manual; |
hym hyphens-manual |
hyphens: none; |
hyn hyphens-none |
image-rendering: ; |
imgr image-rendering |
@import ; |
i import |
@import ; |
il import-list-of-mediaqueries |
@import '0'; |
is import-string |
@import url(); |
iu import-url |
isolation: ; |
iso isolation |
isolation: auto; |
isa isolation-auto |
isolation: inherit; |
ish isolation-inherit |
isolation: initial; |
isi isolation-initial |
isolation: isolate; |
iss isolation-isolate |
justify-content: ; |
jc justify-content |
justify-content: center; |
jcc justify-content-center |
justify-content: flex-end; |
jcfe justify-content-flex-end |
justify-content: flex-start; |
jcfs justify-content-flex-start |
justify-content: inherit; |
jch justify-content-inherit |
justify-content: initial; |
jci justify-content-initial |
justify-content: space-around; |
jcsa justify-content-space-around |
justify-content: space-between; |
jcsb justify-content-space-between |
justify-content: space-evenly; |
jcse justify-content-space-evenly |
@keyframes mymove { from { } to { } } |
kf1 key-frames1 |
@keyframes mymove { 0% { } 100% { } } |
kf2 key-frames2 |
@keyframes mymove { 0% { } 50% { } 100% { } } |
kf3 key-frames3 |
left: ; |
l lf left |
left: auto; |
lfa left-auto |
left: inherit; |
lfh left-inherit |
left: initial; |
lfi left-initial |
left: percentual; |
lfp left-percentual |
left: pixel; |
lfx left-pixel |
letter-spacing: ; |
lts letter-spacing |
line-height: ; |
lnh line-height |
line-height: inherit; |
lnhh line-height-inherit |
line-height: initial; |
lnhi line-height-initial |
line-height: normal; |
lnhn line-height-normal |
line-height: 20px; |
lnhx line-height-pixel |
linear-gradient() |
linear linear-gradient |
list-style: ; |
ltst ltstl list-style |
list-style-image: ; |
ltsi list-style-image |
list-style-position: ; |
ltsp list-style-position |
list-style-type: ; |
ltst list-style-type |
margin: ; |
mg margin |
margin: auto; |
mga margin-auto |
margin-bottom: ; |
mgb margin-bottom |
margin: inherit; |
mgh margin-inherit |
margin: initial; |
mgi margin-initial |
margin-left: ; |
mgl margin-left |
margin: 100%; |
mgp margin-percentual |
margin: 10px; |
mgx margin-pixel |
margin-right: ; |
mgr margin-right |
margin-top: ; |
mgt margin-top |
margin: 0; |
mg0 margin-zero |
mask-image: ; |
mki mask-image |
mask-mode: ; |
mkm mask-mode |
mask-origin: ; |
mko mask-origin |
mask-position: ; |
mkp mask-position |
mask-repeat: ; |
mkr mask-repeat |
mask-size: ; |
mks mask-size |
matrix(a, b, c, d, tx, ty) |
mtx matrix |
matrix3d(a1, b1, c1, d1, a2, b2, c2, d2, a3, b3, c3, d3, a4, b4, c4, d4) |
mtx3 matrix3d |
max() |
max |
max-height: ; |
maxh max-height |
max-width: ; |
maxw max-width |
@media ... { } |
md media |
min() |
min |
min-height: ; |
minh min-height |
min-width: ; |
minw min-width |
mix-blend-mode: ; |
mixbm mix-blend-mode |
object-fit: ; |
obf object-fit |
object-position: ; |
obp object-position |
opacity: ; |
op opacity |
order: ; |
od order |
orphans: ; |
oph orphans |
outline: ; |
otl outline |
outline-color: ; |
otlc otlcl outline-color |
outline-offset: ; |
otlo outline-offset |
outline-style: ; |
otls outline-style |
outline-width: ; |
otlw outline-width |
overflow: ; |
of overflow |
overflow-wrap: ; |
ofw overflow-wrap |
overflow-x: ; |
ofx overflow-x |
overflow-y: ; |
ofy overflow-y |
padding: ; |
pd padding |
padding-bottom: ; |
pdb padding-bottom |
padding-left: ; |
pdl padding-left |
padding: 2%; |
pdp padding-percentual |
padding: 16px; |
pdx padding-pixel |
padding-right: ; |
pdr padding-right |
padding-top: ; |
pdt padding-top |
page-break-after: ; |
pba page-break-after |
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pbb page-break-before |
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pbi page-break-inside |
perspective(d) |
prp perspectiva |
perspective: ; |
pp perspective |
perspective-origin: ; |
ppo perspective-origin |
px |
x px pixel |
pointer-events: ; |
pe pointer-events |
position: ; |
ps position |
quotes: ; |
qt quotes |
radial-gradient() |
radial radial-gradient |
rem |
rem |
repeating-conic-gradient() |
rconic rptcg repeating-conic-gradient |
repeating-linear-gradient() |
rlinear rptlg repeating-linear-gradient |
repeating-radial-gradient() |
rradial rptrg repeating-radial-gradient |
resize: ; |
rs resize |
rgb(255, 255, 255) |
rgb |
rgba(0,0,0,0.5) |
rgba |
right: ; |
r rt right |
rotate(45deg) |
rtt rotate |
rotate3d(0, 1, 0, 60deg) |
rtt3 rotate3d |
rotateX(45deg) |
rttx rotateX |
rotateY(45deg) |
rtty rotateY |
rotateZ(90deg) |
rttz rotateZ |
row-gap: ; |
rgp row-gap |
row-gap: inherit; |
rgph row-gap-inherit |
row-gap: initial; |
rgpi row-gap-initial |
row-gap: normal; |
rgn row-gap-normal |
row-gap: 10%; |
rgpp row-gap-percentual |
row-gap: 10px; |
rgpx row-gap-pixel |
scale(x) |
scl scl1 scale |
scale(x, y) |
scl2 scale2 |
scaleX(x) |
sclx scaleX |
scaleY(y) |
scly scaleY |
scaleZ(z) |
sclz scaleZ |
scroll-behavior: ; |
sb scroll-behavior |
skew(10deg) |
skw skw1 skew |
skew(10deg, 10deg) |
skw2 skew2 |
skewX(10deg) |
skwx skewx |
skewY(10deg) |
skwy skewy |
tab-size: ; |
tbs tab-size |
table-layout: ; |
tbl table-layout |
text-align: ; |
tta text-align |
text-align-last: ; |
ttal text-align-last |
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ttd text-decoration |
text-decoration-color: ; |
ttdc text-decoration-color |
text-decoration-line: ; |
ttdl text-decoration-line |
text-decoration-style: ; |
ttds text-decoration-style |
text-decoration-thickness: ; |
ttdt text-decoration-thickness |
text-indent: ; |
tti text-indent |
text-justify: ; |
ttj text-justify |
text-overflow: ; |
tto text-overflow |
text-shadow: ; |
tts text-shadow |
text-transform: ; |
ttt text-transform |
top: ; |
t tp top |
transform: ; |
trf transform |
transform-origin: ; |
trfo transform-origin |
transform-style: ; |
trfs transform-style |
transition: all 0.2s ease; |
trs transition |
transition-delay: ; |
trsdl transition-delay |
transition-duration: ; |
trsd transition-duration |
transition-property: ; |
trsp transition-property |
transition-timing-function: ; |
trstf transition-timing-function |
translate3d(10px, 0, 0px) |
tlt3d translate-3d |
translateX(50%) |
tltxp translate-x-percentage |
translateX(-50%) |
tltxpm translate-x-percentage-minus |
translateX(10px) |
tltxx translate-x-pixel |
translateX(-10px) |
tltxxm translate-x-pixel-minus |
translateY(50%) |
tltyp translate-y-percentage |
translateY(-50%) |
tltypm translate-Y-percentage-minus |
translateY(10px) |
tltyx translate-y-pixel |
translateY(-10px) |
tltyxm translate-y-pixel-minus |
translateZ(50%) |
tltzp translate-z-percentage |
translateZ(-50%) |
tltzpm translate-Z-percentage-minus |
translateZ(10px) |
tltzx translate-z-pixel |
translateZ(-10px) |
tltzxm translate-z-pixel-minus |
translate(50%) |
tltp tltp1 translate-percent |
translate(50%, 50%) |
tltp2 translate-percent-2 |
translate(-50%) |
tltpm tltpm1 translate-percent-minus-1 |
translate(-50%, -50%) |
tltpm2 translate-percent-minus-2 |
translate(10px) |
tltx tltx1 translate-pixel |
translate(10px, 10px) |
tltx2 translate-pixel-2 |
translate(-10px) |
tltxm tltxm1 translate-pixel-minus |
translate(-10px, -10px) |
tltxm2 translate-pixel-minus-2 |
unicode-bidi: ; |
unib unicode-bidi |
user-select: ; |
us user-select |
&::v-deep { } |
..vd ..v-deep |
var(--name, value) |
var |
$name: value; |
svar vars |
vertical-align: ; |
vta vertical-align |
visibility: ; |
vs vis visibility |
white-space: ; |
ws white-space |
widows: ; |
ww widows |
width: ; |
w wd width |
width: auto; |
wda width-auto |
width: inherit; |
wdh width-inherit |
width: initial; |
wdi width-initial |
width: 100%; |
wdp width-percentual |
width: 10px; |
wdx width-pixel |
word-break: ; |
wdb word-break |
word-wrap: ; |
wdw word-wrap |
writing-mode: ; |
wtm writing-mode |
z-index: ; |
zi z-index |