An extension for Visual Studio Code which (eventually) adds full support to the RenderMan Shading Language (RSL) and RenderMan Interface Bytestream (RIB) languages.
Automatic compilation
While editing any .sl or .rib file, simply press the rsl-lang.compileRIB hotkey and the scene will be rendered and the resulting image will be created and displayed to the side of the editor.
TODO: Add animation here.
Color support
All .sl files now display a color picker besides any colors defined in the file.
TODO: Add animation here.
Syntax highlighting
All .sl files now have any functions, keywords, comments, etc... colored according to your active color theme.
TODO: Add example image here.
AQSIS Renderer
Can be downloaded from or
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
rsl.aqsis.path: Where your AQSIS installation is. For example /Applications/ on Mac, and C:\Program Files (x86)\AQSIS on Windows.
rsl.aqsis.binPath: Where the AQSIS binaries are. Look below for a known issue with this.
rsl.compiledShaderFolder: Where the extension should look for compiled shaders. Defaults to shaders.
rsl.renderedImageFolder: Where the extension should put rendered images. Defaults to images.
rsl.images.format: What format to save the rendered images in. Defaults to PNG.
rsl.images.keepHistory: If new rendered images should be put in a folder along with older images. Defaults to false.
rsl.images.timestamp If rendered images should use a timestamp for their name. Defaults to false.
rsl-lang.compileRIB: Start compiling and rendering the scene.
Known Issues
Nothing as of now.
Planned Features
Add linting for error messages.
Release Notes
[0.4.0] - 2019-01-28
Added - If rsl.aqsis.path have not been defined when the extension is activated, it will now prompt the user to select the installation directory.
Added - If rsl.aqsis.binPath have not been defined when the extension is activated, but rsl.aqsis.path has been, it will now iterate through the directories in the AQSIS installation until it finds the bin folder and set that as the path.
[0.3.1] - 2019-01-28
Fixed - Timestamps no longer include : characters, as that is not allowed on Windows.
Fixed - All shell commands are now quoted to allow for spaces in paths.
Fixed - rsl.images.format now actually has a default (PNG), I forgot to add it last time.
Fixed - Added missing semicolons after imports.
[0.3.0] - 2019-01-27
Added - Syntax highlighting should now be complete for .sl files.
Added - Compiling should now work, although showing errors is not implemented yet.
Added - Option to keep old rendered images: rsl.images.keepHistory (default: false).
Added - Option to name rendered images with a timestamp: rsl.images.timestamp (default: false).
Added - Option to pick format of rendered images: rsl.images.format (default: PNG).
[0.2.0] - 2019-01-25
Added - Very basic support for compiling shaders.
[0.1.0] - 2019-01-24
Initial release
Added - Support for changing colors inside .sl files.
Added - Started work on syntax highlighting, looks pretty bad at the moment.