nodejs-snippets-by-the-anandShort and simple snippets for Node.js. Code Snippets CollectionThis repository contains a collection of useful code snippets for Node.js development. Each snippet includes a prefix for quick access and a description of its functionality. Table of Contents|----------------------|------------------------------------------------| | Prefix | Description | |----------------------|------------------------------------------------| | clg | Log output to console | | require | Require a module | | exp-server | Creates a basic Express server | | import | Import a module using ES6 syntax | | http-server | Creates a basic HTTP server | | r-file | Read a file using the fs module | | w-file | Write to a file using the fs module | | exp-middleware | Basic Express middleware function | | mong-connect | Connect to MongoDB using Mongoose | | exp-route | Creates a basic GET route in Express | | mong-schema | Creates a Mongoose schema | | async-func | Creates an async function with try/catch block | | promise | Creates a new Promise | | custom-error | Creates a custom error class | | winston-logg | Sets up a Winston logger | | experror-handler | Express error handling middleware | | redis-connect | Connects to a Redis instance | | sequelize-model | Defines a Sequelize model | | graphql-schema | Defines a GraphQL schema | | jest-test | Creates a Jest test case | | env-config | Configures environment variables | | ejs-setup | Sets up EJS as the view engine | | exp-static | Sets up middleware to serve static files | | jwt-auth-middleware | JWT authentication middleware | | async-fetch | Async function to fetch data from an API | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| Usage To use these snippets in your project, copy the desired code block and modify it as per your requirements. Each snippet is designed to provide a quick start and can be further customized. ExamplesLog output to console:
Require a module:
Create a basic Express server:
For more detailed usage and examples, refer to the individual snippet descriptions. |