
This extension will automatically add complete brackets when writing interpolated string.
This solution inspired from sublime text behaviour.

Language Support
By default the following languages are enabled:
- Coffeescript
- Crystal
- Dart
- Elixir
- Embedded Crystal
- Groovy
- Haml
- Javascript
- Javascript React
- Javascript Vue
- Kotlin
- Ruby
- Scala
- Slim
- Typescript
- Typescript React
Adding other languages
You can enable other languages yourself by doing the following:
// VSCode settings ...
"auto.languages": {
// The key is the languageId for the language (see notes)
"typescript": {
// Symbol used for string interpolations in the language
"symbol": "$",
// Type of quotes that surround strings that can be interpolated in the language
"stringWrapper": "`"
"ruby": {
"symbol": "#",
"stringWrapper": "\""
note that the key in the configuration object should be a languageId supported by VSCode
Then add the keybind for the language:
// Keybindings ...
"command": "auto.addInterpolation",
"key": "shift+3",
"when": "editorTextFocus && editorLangId == 'YOUR_LANGUAGE_ID'"
If you are a Vim mode user you should also add vim.mode != 'Normal' && vim.mode != 'Visual' && vim.mode != 'VisualBlock' && vim.mode != 'VisualLine'
to your "when" clause
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