This plugin provides syntax highlighting for the lo2 language (.lo2). Lo2 is a DSL language for log analysis and oracle test. More information about lo2 can be found in the lo2 project.
Like this:
# This is the comment.
# key words:match、ref、strict、begin、end、macro、no
# This is two annotation
@name "log description demo"
@timeformat "%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"
test {
test1 {
match number_test {
let a num = 1
let b num = 1.
let c num = .222
var d num = 0.222
letm e num = 1.333
begin f"xx {a} {b} yy" # f-string, refer a veriable
macro test_child_oracle1 {
begin "test2" == 1
4 <= r"test\d*" <=12 # Regex expression
end "test4"
match test_fail {
@mismatched "warn"
@matched "okay"
no "test0"
match test_event2 {
no "test0"
match test_event1 {
@mismatched "warn"
letm x str = "x"
begin "test1"
1 <= ref test.test1.test_child_oracle1
strict 2 == ("test5" and (f"test{x}" or r"testy"))
2 == "test6"
end "test7"