Detects whether the pipeline file contains valid YAML
Detects errors such as:
Missing "nodes" key
Invalid custom folder name
Invalid node type and name
Invalid node config key
Invalid node definition
Autocompletes custom folder name, node type, and nodes names
Inserts node config keys as a snippet if available
Code validation and autocompletion require paths to the PeekingDuck package and/or custom nodes directory. Please refer to the configuration settings to set up the paths.
Extension settings
The following settings are supported:
peekingduck.maxNumberOfProblems: Controls the maximum number of problems produced by the server.
peekingduck.path.package: Path to the PeekingDuck package, you can use python -c 'import peekingduck; print(peekingduck.__path__)' to get this path.
peekingduck.path.customNodes: Path to the PeekingDuck custom nodes directory.