This extension allows you to quickly switch between sets of files (i.e. "workviews") within a VS Code window.
Your active workview is automatically saved each time it is switched. The extension shows up in the "Explorer" tab and can be rearranged.
Easily create a workview by clicking the "+" at the top right of the extension
Autosaves current workview when a new workview is selected
Keeps track of files relevant to a workview when they are opened and closed (also manually removable)
Attempts to restore the tabs in the same grid position
Ability to pin documents to keep them in the workview document list
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
workviews.rememberActiveWorkview: (boolean) Keep track of active workview in saved state
workviews.restorePinnedOnly: (boolean) Restore only the pinned and last viewed documents, rather than all documents opened
Release Notes
For testing:
Install NPM and run npm install
run npm run compile
For local deployment:
# add CHANGELOG entry (no need to update package.json version, `vsce publish` will update)
$ vsce package
$ code --install-extension workviews-1.1.x.vsix
# or
$ vsce publish [major|minor|patch] or x.y.z