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Gimme Boilerplate
Gimme Boilerplate is an extension that will enable you to create the basic boilerplate for the following projects:
For your Node Express Porject
NPM Package Project
Using the Extensions
Search for the extension in VSCode and Install it.
You can start using the extension from the Command Pallette (Ctrl + Shift + P
Try out the following commands:
Create Node Express Project
- Creates a Node Express project for your with all the necessary files and folders.
Create a NPM Package Project
- Create the boilerplate for starting an NPM Package.
Features for Node Express Boilerplate
Fully in Typescript
Scalable Folder Structure
Test configurations added (Jest).
Works out of the box.
Logging with Winston and Morgan
.env file for configurations
Scripts added in Package.json
Readme template
Features for NPM Package Boilerplate
Fully in Typescript
Simple Folder Structure
Test configurations added (Jest).
Works out of the box.
Scripts added in Package.json
Readme template