Gettext Scanner
This vscode extension helps you scan your codebase for translatable strings, and generate the necessary gettext files.
- Scan your codebase for translatable strings
- Refreshes the scanned strings
- Copy the msgid to clipboard
- Displays the msgids in a tree view
- A workspace must be opened
- The extension must be enabled in the settings
- A valid scan path and po files path must be provided in the settings
- Open the command palette (
Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P )
- Type
Gettext Scanner: Scan and press enter to scan your codebase for translatable strings
- Type
Gettext Scanner: Refresh and press enter to refresh the scanned strings
- Type
Gettext Scanner: Scan and Refresh and press enter to scan and refresh the scanned strings
- Right click on a msgid in the tree view and select
Copy msgid to copy the msgid to clipboard
gettext-scanner.scanPath : The path to scan for translatable strings (required)
gettext-scanner.poFilesPath : The path to the po files (required)
gettext-scanner.enabled : Enable or disable the extension
Known Issues
Release Notes
- Fix bug where the extension would not scan the correct path
- Change the icon on the activity bar
- Add msgid to .pot file
- Add google translate functionality (still very much a work in progress)
- New decorator to highlight msgids on the active editor
- Scan the current file on save and refresh the decorator
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