Aaron's Beancount utils for VSCode
Utilities for balancing a Beancount ledger:
An outline based on lines starting with asterisks (i.e. org-mode headers) that shows up in the "Explorer" view. The outline comes from a DocumentSymbolProvider , so "Breadcrumbs" work, and "Go to symbol". This makes it easy to jump quickly to, i.e. a specific account/section.
An action to calculate line and copy result. Given a line like:
; 100 * 30
This will calculate the result using decimal.js , and append that to the line:
; 100 * 30 = 3000
It will also copy the 3000 to the clipboard.
It is smart enough to ignore the leading comment, re-calculate if the result is already there, and understand postings with prices:
Assets:Vanguard:VTSAX 100 VTSAX {110 USD} ; = 11000
An action to open a new tab with the bean-doctor context of the current transaction under the cursor.
The src/calculator.js module is created from the src/calculator.jison grammar by the venerable Jison:
npm run compile:calculator
The calculator.jison is tweaked from the one in Jison's examples directory.
Otherwise this extension is lifted pretty directly from the VSCode extension Getting Started doc.
This is published under the aaronj1335 Azure organization. You'll need the personal access token.
Prerequisite: login
node_modules/.bin/vsce login aaronj1335
Publishing on updates
npm version minor # or major/patch/etc
rm -rf out
node_modules/.bin/vsce publish
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