Display GPU utilisation and memory consumption in vscode status bar.
Single GPU:
Multi GPU:
Multi GPU sum:
Extension Settings
showSum: Toggles the display of the sum of all GPUs. This is useful when you have so many GPUs and want to see the total usage in a compact way.
updateFrequencyms: How frequently to query systeminformation. The minimum is 200 ms as to prevent accidentally updating so fast as to freeze up your machine.
alignLeft: Toggles the alignment of the status bar.
Known Issues
~~This plug-in might freeze occationally. Reload window should fix it for now (In vscode press Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + p to call command platte and type reload). Will dig into this later.~~
[x] Fix plug-in frozen issue.
[x] Automatic change text colour based on status bar colour.
[ ] Update packages and dependencies to modern versions.
[ ] Make icon configurable.
Change Log
2023.05.14 - Initial release
2023.07.05 - Get rid of a bug that causes the plug-in to freeze.
2023.07.06 - Automatic change text colour based on status bar colour.