visual-snake-code READMEThis game is an old school snake game that runs as a VS Code extension. Please read the requirements before using. FeaturesPress 'w' to go up, similarly 's' for down, 'a' for left, 'd' for right. At the end screen, you can press space to restart a game. Screenshot 1:Screenshot 2:RequirementsAfter installing the extension, press Ctrl(Command) + shift + p to open the shortcut for command. Type 'Visual Snake Code', then press enter the game will start. A suggestion is that you can disable editor.quickSuggestions to prevent the intellisense popping up every time when you press a key. Extension SettingsNo settings. Known IssuesSometimes the tail pixel doesn't function well, it drops. This bug is to be fixed. Release Notes1.0.0Initial release of Visual Snake Code. 1.0.1Add Change Log and Repository. 1.0.2Minor fixes. 1.0.3Fix a bug that tail drops sometimes. 1.0.4Open new empty text document for the game. Thanks to @spoon611 1.0.5Added score in the status bar. Enjoy! |