localhero READMELocalhero is a simple vscode plugin to help you document dev environment errors on the go. Simply visit ">localhero:log error" to document your errors and ">localhero:Search Existing Errors" to find any previously documented errors. This plugin seems simple but with the power of a crowdsourced dev environment json file, you and your team should be able to get that troublesome dev environment to behave. Featureslocalhero is a simple vscode plugin that has two options: log error and search for existing errors log error creates a form to input local dev environment errors and other helpful details search existing errors allows you search for dev environment errors that have been documented!
Known IssuesTBD Release NotesUsers appreciate release notes as you update your extension. 0.0.1Initial release of localhero. Basic functionality of log error and search existing error should all be there. Setting up your local development environment for localheroIf you would like to fork this repo, simply run:
Following extension guidelinesEnsure that you've read through the extensions guidelines and follow the best practices for creating your extension. Working with MarkdownNote: You can author your README using Visual Studio Code. Here are some useful editor keyboard shortcuts:
For more informationEnjoy! |