ali-oss-file-upload.ossRegionIds: oss region id. example: displayName=regionId.
ali-oss-file-upload.uploadDirs: Upload file directory under OSS bucket. example: displayName=uploadDir.
ali-oss-file-upload.fileNames: Set the name of the file uploaded to OSS. example: displayName=qrCodeLogoPath.
ali-oss-file-upload.qrCodeLogos: The logo in the middle of the QR code,Please fill in the absolute path.example: displayName=qrCodeLogoPath.
ali-oss-file-upload.isWebViewResidentMemory: Do you want to keep the current interface when switching to another interface? This function requires restarting the lottie preview view, which will have high memory overhead.
Release Notes
Users appreciate release notes as you update your extension.
Initial release
Optimize the upload process
Unable to remember the last selected logo and file name after modification