Codex Manuscript WordcountA VScode extension for counting the total word count of a manuscript split across multiple markdown files. It also includes a session word count and configurable manuscript and session goals. Features
InstallationSearch for UsageAfter installation, the manuscript and session word counts will appear in the explorer. You can right-click on them to set the manuscript and session goals, as well as the document root where the manuscript is located. The extension will only count the words for Markdown documents under the document root. You can also reset the session or adjust the session count by right-clicking on the session count. Additionally, there is an option in the settings to automatically reset the session on restart, which is off by default. All of these settings are stored in the workspace config, and you can edit them there. However, there is no validation when editing them manually, so it may cause issues. You may create a In general, each pattern should be Limitations
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