A simple, lightweight, and offline Lua source code obfuscator based on vscode extension, which can obfuscate Lua source code with just one click. And support customization of obfuscation function.
Lua obfuscator supports multiple encryption obfuscation methods and support customization in settings:
String literals are encoded using base64
Convert numerical literal to XOR operation
Convert boolean values to XOR operation
Renaming function name to random name
Change member variable access method
Convert binary expressions to function calls
Control flow flattening
How to Use
There are three ways to use LuaObfuscator:
Right click a lua file -> Obfuscate current lua file
Right click in the editor -> Obfuscate current lua file
Open Command(ctrl + shift + p)-> Obfuscate a lua file -> Choose a lua file
Bug report
Intercept error codes and send settings information to email zain1iu@163.com