This extension auto-magically switches between the tests for a source file and back at the touch of a keyboard shortcut (default is Mac: cmd+shift+t, Win/Linux: ctrl+shift+t).
It uses several strategies to try and locate the corresponding source/test files, and toggles to the file the first time one is matched.
Test file is in a tests folder adjacent to the source.
Global search across the entire workspace for file that matches the naming pattern.
The pattern used to determine a test name given a source name is configurable, but has several defaults that likely will just work. (e.g. filename-Test.ts, filename_specs.rbfilename.Tests.jsx all work out of the box).
The pattern used to determine a test folder name is configurable, but also has several defaults that likely will just work. (e.g. tests, __tests__, specs, __specs__ all work out of the box).
The global search as the fallback pattern will usually find what you want, but may have multiple hits, in which case these options are displayed to you to choose which one you want.
Extension Settings
testToggler.testFileSuffix: If your codebase uses a non-standard test file naming pattern, you can specify it here. e.g. baseFileName-test.e2e.tsx -> -test.e2e
testToggler.testFolderName: If your codebase usees a non-standard test folder naming pattern, you can specify it here. e.g. _AcceptanceTests
testToggler.confirmOnSinglePossibilityWhenUnsure: This will ask you to confirm a single test/source file when the program is not confident it is the correct one before it toggles to it. This may happen during the global search fallback, which may produce false negatives in large codebases.