FileLine - The status bar at the bottom of VScode shows statistics based on the current file.
Run: Press CTRL + Shift + P, type Fileline to start, and check whether statistics are displayed at the bottom.
Basic statistics: default count fixed display, script and style according to the actual page total statistics;
Display the limit value: Settings -> Fileline -> Configure the limit value. The number exceeding the specified limit will be represented by an icon;
Click the script and Style TAB displayed to jump to the corresponding TAB position on the page;
FileLine - vscode底部状态栏展示根据当前文件统计功能;
运行:使用 ctrl+shift+p , 输入 fileline 启动 , 在底部查看是否有统计展示;
- 基础统计:默认count固定展示,script和style根据页面实际总数统计;
- 界限值展示: 设置 —> fileline -> 配置界限值。超过规定的界限数会有icon表示;
- 点击展示的script和style标签可以跳转到页面的对应标签位置;
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