Markdown ExecutorThis is a tool to execute markdown code blocks in VS Code. We have workflow associated with the code we are developing. They are usually some code snippets that we need to execute and test many many times. It is tedious to copy and paste the code into the terminal and run it. Putting these code somewhere else may also require extra efforts to remember where the code is. This tool will help us to execute the code blocks in VS Code. It will detect the bash code blocks of an open markdown file and execute them in the terminal. You can use this tools as a reccord of your workflow to your project. You will see your workflow with your code together. usageput the cursor in between your code block and label of code blockThe first line of bash code block must be
You can have depedent jobs by adding
The terminal will execute the code block (jobname j2) after the dependent job (readme) is completed. Multiply depedencies should be executed in order. init environmentYou can also specify init bash commands of your environment by specify the jobname as