This extension provides support for Yseop Markup Language (YML).
Syntax highlighting
For common YML code
For text granules and inside them
Parsing error warnings
List (prefix: Description)
\amount: Display amount
\beginList: Static List
\beginQuote: Text placed between quotes
\beginStyle: Styled text
or Text using a custom style
\beginSynonym: List of alternatives
bold: Bold text
\case: A case in a “switch” statement
\choice: An alternative in a list of synonyms
complete: Complete an instance with values
\endOfLine: Force end of line
field: Yml class attribute
\foreach: “For each” loop
or “For each” loop with assembly ID
function: Function
or Function with custom args
or Function with direct return
granule: Text granule
\if: “If” condition
\if \else: “If/else” condition
instance: Object instance
interface: Interface
italic: Italic text
\nextItem: An item in a static list
\noContraction: Prevent contraction
\notEmptyString: Make sure a string is not considered empty
\nounPhrase: Noun phrase
numeralStyle: Display style for numbers
\recipientAction: Verb using a second person subject
or Verb using a second person subject, with adjective
round: Number rounding
\senderAction: Verb using a first person subject
or Verb using a first person subject, with adjective
\switch: Handle values differently
synonyms: List of alternatives
TextFunction: Text function
or Text function with custom arguments
textu: Textualization attribute
\thirdAction: Verb using a third person subject
\value: Display a value
\verb: Verb
When you start typing a snippet's prefix, the editor should suggest corresponding snippets.
Visual Studio Code uses “tabstops” within snippets in places where code must be written to fill in the blanks. As their name suggest, you can use the tab key to go to the next tabstop.
Some tabstops are associated with a list of predefined values. To use one of them, you can select it using the arrow keys and press Enter before using the tab key to proceed as usual if need be.
Code folding
KB class attributes completion
(Needs the class to be opened at least once.)
Basic type names completion, based on Yseop Engine's model
This feature uses the parameter yseopml.pathToPredefinedObjectsXml to get the absolute path to the predefinedObjects.xml file provided with one of the user's Yseop Engine version's.
To edit VS Code's settings, use the shortcut Ctrl + , or look for Preferences: Open Settings in the command palette.
Here, you must add a key / value pair in the JSON file that holds your custom settings and save: "yseopml.pathToPredefinedObjectsXml": "/home/USER/…/yseop-engine-X.X.X/predefinedObjects.xml"
You should then see suggestions like IntegerInterval or StringBuffer when you edit YML code.