Commonly I treat regex as tag in my work. This plugin of vscode is designed for those who want to manage some log-tag/regex and search in workspace quickly by them.
Ctrl+F7 to open the Tag-Manager interface quickly, or ctrl+shift+p and then input
Treat tag's name as ID, don't try repeat add tags with the same name.
Add, delete, update, query tags by content, name or description.
Right menus is used when you select some text and you want to mark it as a tag content.
Double click name to search in workspace using tag content which is commonly regex.
Adaptive color for kinds of vscode's themes.
Highlight display when keywords matched.
Click name to expand description of the tag, the description is default collaspsed because it is usually too long. You can write a paper to describe the tag, ha.
Incremental import tags from your teammates.
Export tags for your teammates.
Display tags by pagination.
This extension is developed and tested fully on Visual Studio code 1.96.4 platform.
Open VS Code.
Open Extensions View (Ctrl+Shift+X).
Search "Tag Manager".
Click Install button.
Download tag-manager-1.0.0.vsix
Open Extensions View (Ctrl+Shift+X).
Click ... on top-right side, choose install from vsix