READMEform Yerdanksa extension for Visual Studio Code. FeaturesThe command palette.The extension will ask you for permission to use your microphone. Address bar in Chrome when you've allowed access to your microphone. استفاده
| line | add new Line | | parentheses | add "( )" | | equal | add "=" | | brace | add "{ }" | | space | add " " | | colon | add ":" | | double quotation | add "" "" | | single quotation | add "' '" | | pline | Move cursor prevBlankLine. | | nline | Move cursor nextBlankLine. | | down | Move cursor down. | | enter | Accept current IntelliSense suggestion. | | left | Move cursor left. | | next | Select next IntelliSense suggestion. | | previous | Select previous IntelliSense suggestion. | | right | Move cursor right. | | up | Move cursor up. | الزامات