Utility README
This extension provides commands to add and force add ignore settings to Rails projects in Visual Studio Code.
- Add Ignore to Rails: Adds ignore settings to the
.vscode/settings.json file for Rails projects.
- Force Add Ignore to Rails: Forces the addition of ignore settings to the
.vscode/settings.json file, overwriting any existing settings.
This extension requires a workspace with a Rails project. The workspace should contain the following files and directories:
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
utility.filesExclude : Specifies the files and folders to exclude. The default settings are:
".github": true,
"test": true,
".kamal": true,
"lib": true,
"log": true,
"public": true,
"script": true,
"storage": true,
"tmp": true,
"vendor": true,
".dockerignore": true,
".gitattributes": true,
".gitignore": true,
".ruby-version": true,
"config.ru": true,
"Dockerfile": true,
"Gemfile.lock": true,
"Rakefile": true,
"README.md": true,
"bin": true,
"Gemfile": true,
"config/environments": true,
"config/initializers": true,
"config/locales": true,
"config/boot.rb": true,
"config/cable.yml": true,
"config/cache.yml": true,
"config/database.yml": true,
"config/deploy.yml": true,
"config/environment.rb": true,
"config/importmap.rb": true,
"config/master.key": true,
"config/puma.rb": true,
"config/queue.yml": true,
"config/recurring.yml": true,
"config/storage.yml": true,
"app/controllers/concerns": true,
"app/jobs": true,
"app/mailers": true,
"app/models/concerns": true,
"app/views/pwa": true,
"node_modules": true,
"yarn.lock": true
| |