ypcra |
Create a new React app with create-react-app |
ypexp |
Create a basic Express server with dynamic port |
ypmongo |
Connect to MongoDB with Mongoose |
ypcomp |
Create a basic React functional component |
yproute |
Create a basic Express route |
ypmodel |
Create a Mongoose model |
ypaxios |
Make an Axios GET request |
ypasync |
Fetch data asynchronously |
ypmapstate |
Map Redux state to React component props |
ypmapdispatch |
Map Redux dispatch to React component props |
ypgraphql |
Use Apollo Client for GraphQL queries |
ypstyled |
Create a styled component with styled-components |
ypreducer |
Create a Redux reducer |
yppropstypes |
Add PropTypes to a React component |
ypcontext |
Create and use a React context |
ypternary |
Use a ternary operator in JavaScript |
ypdestruct |
Destructure an object in JavaScript |
ypmocha |
Create a Mocha test suite with a test case |
ypchai |
Create a Chai test assertion |
yppromise |
Create a JavaScript Promise |
ypes6class |
Create an ES6 class |
ypfetch |
Make a Fetch API request |
yprxjsobservable |
Create an RxJS Observable |
ypjest |
Create a Jest test case |
ypregex |
Use a regular expression in JavaScript |
ypspread |
Use the spread operator in JavaScript |
yptrycatch |
Use try-catch block in JavaScript |
yparraymap |
Use the map function with an array in JavaScript |
yparrayfilter |
Use the filter function with an array in JavaScript |
ypjsonparse |
Parse JSON string in JavaScript |
ypjsonstringify |
Convert object to JSON string in JavaScript |
ypinterval |
Set an interval in JavaScript |
ypsetTimeout |
Use setTimeout in JavaScript |
ypfetchpost |
Make a POST request with Fetch API |
yplocalstorage |
Use Local Storage in JavaScript |
ypmapforeach |
Create a Map and use forEach method |