AboutThis is a VSCode plugin which integrate with the Veracode platform and enables downloading of scan results (findings). The plugin does not support upload for scan action.
Plugin ConfigurationThis extension contributes the following settings (default values are shown in parenthesis):
Workspace ConfigurationOne of the latest features enable bringing in only a single application and specific sandbox to the current workspace.
The configuration allow to filter with exact name (application and/or sandbox).
Flaw mitigations and commentsUser can propose mitigations for none mitigated flaws and comments to all flaws. The annotations assosiated with the annotations will be saved to the cloud platform.
Sorting and FilteringThe menu (from the Veracode tree explorer pane) have few sorting and filtering options.
Sorting and Grouping
Note: The selected grouping and the filtering you can view at the IDE status bar
Pipeline ScanAdditional menu option was added in VSCode project (files) explorer for files with the following extensions to run pipeline scan: JAR, WAR, EAR, ZIP, APK, DLL. It also supports single file scanning for following file extensions.
.ts . js .jsp .es6 .jsx .tsx .json .map .php .vue .html .xhtml .php4 .php5 .php7 .phtml .sql .pl .go .class .py .es .asp .css .ehtml .handlebars .hbs .hjs .htm .mustach .pm .plx .pl5 .cgi .fnc .pck .pkb .pks .pls .prc .sql .tpb .tps .trg .vw
The scan progress will get open in its own dedicated output
At the end of the scan, a text output report of the scan will open in the editor. ReportsFew new options for reporting from the Sandbox/Policy right-click menu within the Heirarchy at the Veracode view which was added by this extension. (see first screenshot image above) Software Composition Analysis (SCA)Get a view of the vulnerabilities associate with the application policy or sandbox scan The import menu option is available at the POLICY/sandbox level Clicking on the option will open (with a delay of few seconds) a new page (web view) in the IDE of the SCA findings
Summary ReportFetch the summary report of the Policy/Sandbox as a menu option - from the right click menu of the POLICY or the Sandbox Name.
Pipeline Scan Text ReportIn addition of automatically open up at the end of the scan, you can also use the right-click menu option of the JSON out result file The file name is default to:
Note: The extension options enables 4 different output style. Check the Dynamic API Scanning / API SecurityIf your project producing API and/or OpenAPI specification file, the plugin also has the ability to submit the specification file to the veracode platform. To enable Dynamic API functionalities, please the following section to you veracode project configuration file (veracode-plugin.conf)
Submit API SpecificationUse the VSCode command palette to upload the API Specificaiton file
Found a problem? Want to request a feature?Please log an issue. A note about the authorWhile it's true that I work at Veracode at the time of writing this plugin - this is not an official supported plugin by Veracode. CreditThe real creator of this plugin form where I took it over - Coby Lerer.
The initial code base of this plugin was created by a colleague of mine - Kevin Rise. |