buglocate README
A VSCode plugin for bug localization without running code.
TF-IDF based searching.
Bug Localization by deep learning.
Local training.
Release Notes
Users appreciate release notes as you update your extension.
Formal edition of our bug localization tool FMBL.
Install from publish
Install front-end plugin from VSCode extension marketplace by searching "FMBL".
Or install from vsix.
code --install-extension buglocate-1.0.1.vsix
Download back-end program main.exe from here.
Download GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin from here.
Install from code
- Clone code from Gitee:
git clone https://gitee.com/lonekey/FMBL
- create and activate conda environment
conda env create -f buglocate.yaml
conda activate buglocate
- backup FMBL, this will generate main.exe
pyinstaller -F main.py
- Download GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin from here.
In VSCode, check the "buglocate" configuration items carefully and fill in according to your project. For example:
Then, move the main.exe and GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin to the workpath
From project AspectJ, we explain in detail how FMBL works.
- Download AspectJ from Github. Open it in VSCode.
git clone https://github.com/eclipse/org.aspectj
Make sure to fill out the configuration correctly.
Init FMBL, by restart or execute initialization command(press ctrl+shift+p, then enter buglocate.init).
The first initialization takes a long time, and if it completes quickly, an error may have occurred(Not properly configured or other unexpected bugs).
Tips: check the initialization process step by step.
cd workpath
.\\main.exe --doCollect
.\\main.exe --doMatch
.\\main.exe --doMakeDataset
.\\main.exe --doTrain
- Select a piece of text in VSCode, right-click and select "buglocate"