A universal VSCode plugin for classes in the Wright State CSE department.
Note: This package does not install any compilers or debuggers, you should have those installed first by using this guide
Included Extensions
Java Extensions
- Java Extension Pack (vscjava.vscode-java-pack)
C++ Extensions
- C/C++ (ms-vscode.cpptools)
- C/C++ Compile Run (danielpinto8zz6.c-cpp-compile-run)
- Makefile Tools (ms-vscode.makefile-tools)
Python Extensions
- Python (ms-python.python)
Web Development
- Visual Studio IntelliCode (visualstudioexptteam.vscodeintellicode)
- Modern VHDL (rjyoung.vscode-modern-vhdl-support)
- HTML CSS (ecmel.vscode-html-css)
- Auto close tag (
- Auto rename tag (
- Path autocomplete (ionutvmi.path-autocomplete)
- LiveServer (ritwickdey.LiveServer)
- Open in browser (
- Open PHP/HTML/JS in browser (
- PHP debug (xdebug.php-debug)
- Spell Right (ban.spellright)
- ESLint (dbaeumer.vscode-eslint)
- Better Comments (aaron-bond.better-comments)
- indent-rainbow (oderwat.indent-rainbow)
- Prettier (esbenp.prettier-vscode)
- Material Icons (PKief.material-icon-theme)
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