Auto Log
Log anything in development. Log nothing in production.
Extension Settings
Known Issues
- [ ] auto detect & log all variable assignments
- [ ] remove all logs
- [ ] add single log
- [ ] remove single log
- [ ] add log to all assignments to variable
- [ ] remove log for variable
- [ ]
{string | { [fileExt: string]: string }} [logFunction="console.log"] - the function to use when logging. Can be configured on a filetype basis.
- [ ]
{string | false} [wrapMessage=false] - logs the given string before and after the debug statement, each on separate lines
- [ ]
{string} [prefix="AUTOLOG"] - inserts the given string at the beginning of the debug statement
- [ ]
{"vscode" | "long" | "short"} [locationFormat="vscode"] - specifies the format of the location information (file name & line number)
vscode - filename#lineNum
long - file: filename line: lineNum
short - filename lineNum
- [ ]
{"default" | "annotation" | string} [appearance="default"] - how the log is displayed in the file (does not effect the log output)
default - the log is displayed as it is written; a normal console.log call (or specified logFunction ) is displayed
annotation - the inserted code is hidden and is shown as an annotation reading autolog(varName)
string - similar to annotation , but the annotation content is specified by the string. Adding ${varName} will substitute the variable name
// readable summarization
logFunction(`prefix | locationFormat | varName ${varName}`);
// implementation
`${logFunction}(\`${prefix} | ${
locationFormat === "vscode"
? `${fileName}#${lineNum}`
: locationFormat === "long"
? `file: ${fileName}, line: ${lineNum}`
: `${fileName} ${lineNum}`
} | ${varName}: \${varName}\`);`
Release Notes
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