Experimental WebHare extension for Visual Studio Code. This extension provides syntax definitions for HareScript files and a language client which connects to a WebHare installation.
This extension provides:
Syntax highlighting for HareScript files
File diagnostics for HareScript files and supported XML files
Code actions to automatically add missing LOADLIBs, remove unused LOADLIBs and organize LOADLIBs
Document formatter for supported XML files
Documentation popups on hover
Jump to definition
A few snippets for inserting common code fragments
Stack traces of the last error(s) in the notice log
Install the dev module in WebHare using wh module get https://gitlab.com/webhare/dev.git
Run the npm run install-local command to package up this extension and install it to your local VS Code
The extension can be configured in the Settings, under Extension > WebHare or by searching for one of the setting keys.
Webhare: Debug Loglevel
The WebHare dev module can log debugging information to the debug log with an dev:lsp log source value.
This setting can be used to control the amount of information that is being logged, from 0 (log only errors) to 3 (log everything).
Webhare: Documentation Diagnostics
Uncheck the checkbox to not show diagnostics for documentation issues.
Other extensions to install
Install the ESLint extension
Insert a global eslint (npm -g eslint) or make sure a current eslint is installed in de folders above your projects.
If the ESLint extension reports errors that some rules are not supported, check the path to your WebHare folder or
module folder for lingering eslint installs in node_modules directories (eg in /Users/yourname/projects/node_modules).
Also, make sure your global eslint is up to date (`npm install -g eslint). To determine which eslint is in use, enable
debugging in the ESLint extension (open preferences, type 'eslint debug'). Then select 'ESLint' in the output window,
it will show which eslint library is in use.