Check your local files or changed files for newly added console log statements so you never have to update your Pull Request again due to some hidden console logs that got seen by your colleagues
Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter.
A simple extension that allows developers to quickly see if they have forgotten hidden console statements in their changes before publishing.
Current Features v1.3.4
Resolved console statement not fully removed when using conditional checks inside the console log.
Future Features
Please request any features to make the experience better
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
consoleChecker.statements.checks: Add or remove different console statement checkers. Add or remove different file extensions to check for console statements Exclude following directories from Console Checker search
Released versions
See a list of changed files wich include console.log() statements.
Check all workspace files and differentiate from files with changes
Refresh console checker files tree on file save
Add counter to extension icon to identify total files found with console statements
Check on multiple console statements
Make checks on different statements configurable
Use Directory Tree View for files found instead of showing the single file
Users are now able to define file extensions to include in search within settings
Users are now able to define directories to exclude from search within settings
Resolve issue Git Repository Not Found Error when using extension within root directory that is not inside a Github Repository. (Changed files not available when not working inside Github Repository)
Excluded directories setting not working when nested directory
Configure better logo for extension in marketplace
Better excluding of directories from search.
Remove "all console statements" button text on file in Console Checker search tree has been changed to an icon.