ctrl+1 To rerun the workspace configuration settings
If Split isn't working its a load time issues between when your two terminals are created.
(Not sure of a fix besides optimizing the extension or why split has such a small window to work with)
Extension will auto-load terminals based on the folder you load in.
Will auto look for a set file and make terminals for any folder(s) that contain it.
Can set specific folders to not create terminals.
Can have folders create additional terminals
Can give each terminal a list of commands
Very Beta (Will have a github repo eventually, currently still in developement.)
Note (Searches based on folders included in config object and filepathtofind)
Additional Note, this extension takes a lot of space in your preference folder. :)
It doesn't follow traditional properties, it's one large object, apologies <3.
Dynamic Commnads are a thing now.
in your commands array set the dynamic command to between ::
// This is a dynamic commmand, a terminal will appear and ask you to insert the value for :message:
"commands": ["git add .", "git commit -m ':message:'", "git push origin @"]
- Dynamic Terminal Selecting is a thing now.
- Can be project level or profile level. I recommend doing it on a profile
- Press escape to not run the configuration (This may default eventually to original configuration settings if available) or select skip.
"profiles": [
"name": "dynamicProfile",
"dynamicTerminalSelect": {
"option1": {
"commands": ["nvm use 18", "npm run build", "npm run serve"],
"additionalTerminals": [
"commands": ["nvm use 18"]
"option2": {
"commands": ["nvm use 18", "npm run serve"],
"additionalTerminals": [
"commands": ["cd ../server", "nvm use 20", "npm run serve"]
- Two command as of now can be called from cntrl+shift+p
- Terminal-Config Run workspace configuration
- Terminal-Config Rerun workspace configuration (Closes terminals)
Note, this extensition recursively looks for "fileToFind" Or Folders listed in the preferences settings
// Example Config in Preference: User Settings
// Currently only works in global settings.
// All possible configurations will be in the example
"terminal-config": {
// THIS IS COUNTERED BY DELAYING INITIALIZATION, default is 3 seconds (Adjust accordingly)
"initialLoadDelay": 5, // Reminder this is in seconds
// Another issue, it may occur that your terminal(s) are removed, but no terminal is displayed on load or after re-running configuartion
// There is noa wait on dispose of terminals, so I do a delay of 1 seconds naturally feel free to adjust
"delayAfterRemovingTerminals": 0.5, // Reminder again this is in seconds
// Base properties
// If a new folder/file is found with the fileToFind property, will make a basic configuration
"addNewTerminalToWorkspace": true,
// Removes terminals with the same name
"removeSameNameTerminals": false,
// Highly recommend just using this one tbh (defaults false) As the name suggests removes all terminals on load
"removeTerminalsOnLoad": true,
// Currently ignores node_modules
// To Add more folders, uses | as a seperator.
// Expects just a string, don't put an actual regex. uses RegExp(..., 'g')
"ignoreRegex": "folder|test|lol",
// Two ways to find a folder, by file or by having it in your config. Regardless this extension will look through all folders loaded.
// Note if you have nested files this extension will not work as expected. (If there is a case for this I'll make a setting to continue after finding expected configurations)
"fileToFind": "package.json",
// Keybinds!!! I allow you to set up to 9 Keybinds!!! (Of course its just for terminal operations :))
// cntrl+shift+[1-9]
"globalKeyBinds": {
// Note actions will not run if commands are not executed
// Global Keybinds are overidden by folder/workspace keybinds
"1": {
"commands": ["npm run serve", "git checkout master", "git pull --rebase"],
// Only two actions currently
"actions": ["setKeybindTerminal", "rerunWorkspaceConfig"]
// For Global, can add property to folder/workspace if you want for the same functionality
"createTerminalForKeybindsIfNoTerminal": true,
"profiles": [
"name": "profile1",
"commands": ["nvm use 20", "npm run dev"],
// Please note, projects with a configuration below and has additionalTerminals will override this conifguration
"additionalTerminals": [
"commands": ["nvm use 20"],
"split": true
// There is no logic in place to ensure only 1 has this tag currently so please do your best to maintain until futher releases do checks.
// Will use this when using projects that have no configuration settings
// set configuration setting addNewTerminalToWorkspace to false (If you don't want projects getting new entries)
// set useDefaultProfileOnNewProjects -> false if you don't want this behaivor to happen with projects not in the configuration settings
"default": true
"test": {
"profile": "profile1"
// (When loading in a folder, folder(s)|file(s) you want a terminal to open need to be named here)
// Example (myproject is some folder you will have load in either as a subfolder or a main folder.) - FOLDER must exist in editor files otherwise this will not find it.
"myproject": {
// Name of the terminal, defaults too folder name or file name.
"name": "myproject",
// An array of additionalTerminals, has all the same commands, besides: keybinds, keybindTerminal, dontCreateTerminal, createTerminalForKeybindsIfNoTerminal
// Some small notes, currently requires an array of objects, please include at least one variable in the object
// Eventually will be able to use a number as well :)
"additionalTerminals": [],
// As the name sugjests, event if the terminal already exists it will create another of it
"alwaysCreateTerminal": true,
// Closes after sending commands
"autoClose": true,
// Add a delay to closing a terminal, milliseconds, default is 100
"autoCloseDelay": 10000,
// Array of commands to send to the terminal
"commands": ["nvm use 18", "cd ./src", "npm run serve"],
// If you have a folder you don't want a terminal for
"dontCreateTerminal": false,
// Name of the terminal you want to use for keybinds. (Ideally will match a name in base config or additionalTerminals, else will show an error message of not found when trying trying to run commands)
"keybindTerminal": "ffmpeg-node (1)",
// If terminal is not found to avoid error message or not working, you can have it create a new terminal!
"createTerminalForKeybindsIfNoTerminal": true,
// Same as global key binds, (These override global)
"keybinds": { "3": { "commands": ["cd ../tests", "ffmpeg -i test.png test.jpg", "node test.js"] } },
// I mean maybe for additional terminals you want to run a different project?
"path": "C://users/..."