This extension is a subset of the functionality of vim-wiki for creating journal entries and handling tasks with multiple levels of in-progress state. It is intended to be used on markdown files, but can work on any text file.
Toggle lines into tasks with task-journal.toggle_task,
default binding: ctrl+meta+\
Decrease/Increase task progress with task-journal.decrease_task/`task-journal.increase_task,
default bindings: ctrl+meta+[, ctrl+meta+]
Create a journal entry for today with task-journal.todays_entry.
default binding: ctrl+meta+t
Create a journal entry for tomorrow with task-journal.tomorrows_entry.
default binding: ctrl+meta+m
Cycle through journal entryies with task-journal.previous_entry/task-journal.next_entry,
default bindings: ctrl+meta+p, ctrl+meta+n
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
task-journal.data_directory: The directory where journal entries live, defaults to $HOME/.task-journal
task-journal.task_pattern: The pattern for task lines, defaults to - [$] , where the $ is where the progress states are placed.
task-journal.progress_states: The set of progress states, going from not started, through however many in-progress states, and finally to a compelted state. This defaults to [" ", "◔", "◑", "◕", "✓"]
task-journal.entry_template: The template for each new diary entry, variables available are:
$date: (Date as a yyyy/mm/dd format)
$yyyy: The year
$mm: The month
$dd: The day
The default is # $date\n
Release Notes
Added icon and contents.
Added in entry template configuration option and changed default to # $date\n
Changed toggle_task default binding to ctrl+meta+\
Changed today and tomorrow diary entry to trigger regardless of an editor having focus, e.g. it now works on the Welcome page or with no editor open.