A simple formatter for Laravel Pint, which automatically runs ./vendor/bin/pint {filepath} to format your code. There’s no magic here, so you must install Laravel Pint on your project first.
Automatic formatting: The extension runs Laravel Pint on the file whenever you save or format code.
Simple setup: Just install Laravel Pint, and you're good to go!
Tip: You can view a demonstration of the formatter in action by adding an animated GIF or screenshot of your code being auto-formatted.
Before using this extension, you need to install Laravel Pint in your project:
Install Laravel Pint via Composer:
composer require laravel/pint --dev
Make sure ./vendor/bin/pint is available in your project.
Extension Settings
This extension does not contribute any new VS Code settings.
Known Issues
If Laravel Pint is not installed, the formatter will not work.
Ensure that your project's directory contains a composer.json file with Laravel Pint as a dependency.