Syntax highlighting and language features for PHREEQCThis extension brings syntax highlighting to PHREEQC in VSCode. It borrows heavily from the syntax highlighting features from the original Notepad++ version. UsageAfter installation, open a This package does not include a Phreeqc installation. If you need to install PHREEQC,you will have to do it yourself. Both distributions should work: QuickstartInstall it in VSCode marketplace or by downloading the .vsix file from the repository and you are ready to go!
2.1. Open Visual Studio Code. 2.2. Open the Extensions View:
2.3. Install from VSIX:
A file dialog will open. Navigate to the directory where your .vsix file is located. Select the .vsix file and click Open. 2.4. Restart Visual Studio Code DisclaimerThis is just a syntax-highlighter for facilitating text editing and reading phreeqc files. It does not interfere in how PHREEQC executes the scripts. Use it at your own risk. This project is not an official PHREEQC or USGS project, nor it is endorsed by the authors of PHREEQC and related organizations. License |