This is a quick and dirty edit of the original auto-hide extension. I actually don't know how to make an extension and have never worked with Typescript.
All I've done is remove some code to make this work with a keyboard reliant layout, it no longer checks if you switched focus using the mouse and the delay option has been removed.
All the text under this is from the original extension's README.
*Requires Visual Studio Code, version 1.43 or higher
Causes the side bar to be hidden whenever the user clicks into the text editor.
I highly recommend trying the sidbar on the right side. The side bar does not so when on the left, the editor text will shift when the side panel opening and closeing.
Auto-hide bottom panel
Same thing as above, except for the bottom panel (output, terminal, etc. are contained in the panel).
autoHide.autoHideSideBar: Hide the side bar when the user clicks into a text editor. [boolean, default: true]
autoHide.autoHidePanel: Hide the panel (output, terminal, etc.) when the user clicks into a text editor. [boolean, default: true]
autoHide.autoHideReferences: Hide the References panel (Go to References) when the user clicks into a text editor. [boolean, default: true]
autoHide.sideBarDelay: How long to wait before hiding the side bar. A delay prevents text from being selected. A longer delay allows the horizontal scroll to adjust to the change in selection before the side bar hiding causes the horizontal scroll to adjust, avoiding conflicts. [number, default: 450]
autoHide.panelDelay: How long to wait before hiding the panel. Same as for the side bar when the panel is on the side. If the panel is on the bottom, there is no need for delay. [number, default: 300]
autoHide.hideOnOpen: Hide side bar and panel when VSCode first opens. [boolean, default: true]
autoHide.toggleHideSideBar: Toggle autoHide.autoHideSideBar setting for current workspace. Use this command to pin/unpin the side bar.
autoHide.toggleHidePanel: Toggle autoHide.autoHidePanel setting for current workspace. Use this command to pin/unpin the panel.