DescriptionThis an extension that provides a few tools for specs and their hierarchical structures. It provides a visualization for the hierarchies of specs. Syntax highlighting in spec files for moustached values is also provided. It also provides more efficient ways to hop between spec files. Lastly, the extension provides the ability to see a projected spec file when the spec is a leaf node on the overall hierarchy. Installation InstructionsLocate the spectools-x.x.x.vsix file in the vscode file explorer inside kubernetes-util/azureml-infra/src/SpecVisualizer. Then right click and select install extension VSIX at the bottom of the context menu. UsageWhen using this extension you must be in the kubernetes-util folder. VisualizerTo run the visualizer, open the command palette ( Spec File OpeningIn the file explorer side bar, all yaml files should have an option on right click to see the parent specs. If the yaml file does not have a spec inheritance, there will be no file opened. If the yaml file has multiple envs with different parent specs, it will open all parent files. When in the editor for a yaml file, if we highlight text and right click, there should be an option to open a spec. If the text is not the name of a spec, a small message will pop up and no spec will be opened. If the highlighted text is a spec, the spec file will open. Spec ProjectionFirst, yaml-spectre must be built locally on your machine for this to work. To make things easier, you use the run task command then under the shell category run the task specTools:Spectre Build. In the file explorer side bar, all yaml files should have an option to get spec projections. However, only leaf specs (i.e. specs at the bottom of the hierarchy) will be able to be projected, otherwise, the command should fail. If the spec file does not seem complete, go to file --> preferences and change integrated terminal scrollback to a higher number. This is the case since the yaml-spectre query output is grabbed directly from the integrated terminal. |