Verification for generating Xliff files with AL Language Tools for BC development
This VSCode extension verifies the syntax of translations in comments for Al programming. It verifies according to the Vffice coding standard.
After building and generating xliff files with the AL Tools extension, run the command Check Syntax and the result will be outputed into the channel "Verification Result"
AL: Check Translations (AL Multilingual) - This command creates a result that verifies each comment for translation purposes's syntax as the coding standards demand.
* This extension has to be used with the AL Language Tools extension(by ClipDynamics)
* Always build al files and generate up to date Xliff files with the AL Language Tools before running the command. (AL: Generate Xliff files (AL Tools))
* Always make sure to run the command in the current working directory for the AL project
How to use
Open working AL project folder
Build current code (Ctrl + Shift + B)
Open Command palette (Ctrl + Shift + P)
Use AL languages Tools : Generate Xliff files
Open Command palette (Ctrl + Shift + P)
Use AL: Check Translations (AL Multilingual)
Verification results will be shown in the extension's output channel
REMINDER: make sure to build and generate XLIFF files after each changes inside a comment
AL Language
AL Language Tools (ClipDynamics)
Known Issues
-Chain reaction error message might occur when certain errors are done.
-Comment might show no targed translation when verifying.