Enhance the experience in your Turborepo with faster feedback, repository discovery tooling, one-click task running, and more.
Understand and use your tasks faster
Find references for turbo
tasks to quickly discover which package.json
scripts will run. Then, run your pipeline with one click.

Every task in your pipeline can be followed to find its references.
Configuration help
Get instant feedback if you write incorrect globs, refer to non-existent packages or tasks, and more.

Contextual codemods
Get warned of deprecated syntax and run codemods to fix them with a click.

Global turbo
We recommend you use turbo globally to simplify running commands. The extension will prompt you to install it if you don't already have it available.
Daemon controls
Turborepo uses a background task to make your builds lightning fast. Rather than start it when you invoke turbo, we can instead start it when you launch your editor, keeping things snappy.
- Override the auto-detection for your
binary if it fails or to use a different one.