A group of useful and fruitful vscode snippets for react and react native development. No semi-colons, just because.
Mostly for my own personal needs, check if it can be of any good to you 😀
Prefix | Description
---- |:--------
rcb→/cc→ | Curly braces with input inside, spaced { input }rfc→ | React functional component
rfcp→ | React functional component, without props (cleaner)
rcc→ | React classful component
rccc→ | React classful component, without props (cleaner)
rcon | Component constructor
rwm→ | Component will mount
rdm | Component did mount
rwu→ | Component will update
rdu→ | Component did update
rwp→ | Component will receive props
rsu→ | Component should update
rim→ | Import statement with curly braces
ri→ | Import statement without curly braces
rid→ | Import statement for ReactDom
rin→ | Import for react native
rip→ | Import for PropTypes
ripd→ | Import for PropTypes, with destructuring
ris→ | Import styled components
rts→ | this.state.${}rsst→ | this.setState()rtp→ | this.props.${}rpt→ | MyComponent.propTypes = {}rdpt→ | MyComponent.defaultProps = {}rst→ | const styles = {}, often used in react native
rsc→ | Styled Component initialization: const $StyledComponent = styled.$tag``` rdst→| destructuring of styles:const { } = stylesrdp→| destructuring of props:const { } = this.propsrds→| destructuring of state:const { } = this.state/→| long comment for documentation purposes/ some comment **/rxac→| constant declaration typically used in redux actions export ACTION_NAME = 'ACTION_NAME'rxmsp→`| redux mapStateToProps