op-gpt-mize READMEChatGPT is absolutely awesome. But, if you copy paste code that belongs to your organization, you're risking sharing confidential information with a third party. Futhermore, ChatGPT has some limitations when it comes to the amount of text (in the form of tokens) it can process in the free tier. We aim to solve both these issues. FeaturesAnonymize: The "searchAndReplace" command allows the user to search for a specific string of text and replace it with another string, which generating a new file. This is different from the inbuilt search and replace since you generate a new file that is ready to copy paste into ChatGPT without editing your original file Optimize: The "removeWhitespaces" command removes comments, newlines, extra whitespaces and spaces between characters from the selected text, thereby increasing the amoutn of text you can share with ChatGPT in effect. All Of The Above: Does what it says on the tin 😀 ScreenshotsIt's also accessable via the command pallete. RequirementsVS Code 1.70 ^ Known IssuesNone so far Release NotesRelease notes below 1.0.0Initial release of the plugin 1.0.1Copy to clipboard instead of opening a new window |