TU Validator
Open the the games '/Teraurge/database' folder using File -> Open Folder.
Start by navigating to a characters diag.txt file, using the explorer menu (Ctrl+Shift+E) on the left-hand-side.
After a few moments, the validator will run and come back with a list of problems (Ctrl+Shift+M).
There are 3 main types:
Errors - Scripting that is known to be incorrect. e.g. 'Duplicate index name 'just_spearheads' in dialogue file', as index names have to unique within a dialogue file.
Warnings - Suspicious code that could be incorrect. e.g. 'Flag is read but never written' could indicate that you have forgotten to set the flag.
Info - Additional information that may be useful. e.g. 'Flag 'punflen_ship_quest' is written but never read' shows the flag isn't currently used.
VSCode should detect the language as 'tuscript', indicated in the bottom right of the screen. If this displays something else, such as 'Plain Text', click on it and select 'tuscript' from the dropdown menu.
The validator detects the "database" folder, and also folders that start with "database" e.g. "database_copy".
Common problems
I've opened a dialogue file, and the language is set to 'tuscript', but no problems are displayed
Please double check that you have opened the '/Teraurge/database' folder and not just the '/Teraurge' folder.
This is especially important if you have multiple folders starting with 'database'.
- ~~Allow user to open any folder and have it work rather than just the database one (To make it less confusing).~~ Fixed as of 2.3.2
- ~~Have validation messages appear on startup, as you currently have to open diag.txt file first.~~ Can't fix, it's a limitation of VSCode. I did add a little popup message to show that TU Validator as started.
- ~~Allow the validator to work in copies of the database folder~~ So long as the folder starts with "database", it'll work. Try not to make environments or characters with that name.
- ~~Fix environment sounds not being recognised~~ Fixed in 3.0.1.