Boilerplace is a one-stop solution for all things boilerplate. Create files, functions and a lot more using simple commands. Making development easier, one keystroke at a time.
Create CRUD functionality for n number of entities in just 2 Commands.
Create API entrypoint, mongoDB connection file and the entire Routes-Controller-Service-Schema architecture for the required entities.
Extension Settings
Known Issues
Install the extension from the VSCode Extensions Marketplace or install it by adding the .vsix file to the extensions folder of VSCode.
Release Notes
Create a node project with npm init.
Run boilerplace init command and enter the name of the entry point of the API you want to create (ex: app.js) followed by a list of names of entities that you want crud routes to be created for (ex: {"name" : "employee"})
Run boilerplace create command to create all the required boilerplate.
Press Ctrl + Shift + P to open the VSCode Command Palette (unless configured otherwise).
Scope for development
Option to selectively create routes for HTTP methods as required.