Inspired from Notion editor. Enter Headingsh1 - Heading 1 headingidAdding custom IDs allows you to link directly to headings. tablestable1 - Table with 1 Column, 1 row To insert extra row, Use opt + shift in Mac, ctrl + alt + ⬇️ in Windows linebreakCreate a line break or new line boldCreate a bold text italicCreate a italic text boldanditalicCreate text with bold and italic at the same time blockquoteCreate a block quote orderedlistCreate a ordered numbered list unorderedlistCreate an unordered list listDefinitionsSome Markdown processors allow you to create definition lists of terms and their corresponding definitions. More Details. codeblockCreate a code block (multi line). Use Corresponding language name after ``` for syntax highlighting. codeCreate a code in a single line imagePut an image with url (web or local file) imagewithtitlePut an image with alternate title. Title will appear as a tooltip when the user hovers over the image. horizontalruleInsert an horizontal rule linkCreate a text with link linkwithtitleCreate link with Title. This title will appear as a tooltip when the user hovers over the link. urlQuickly turn a url or email address into a link strkethroughCreate a strike through text tasklistCreate a checkbox list highlightCreate a highlighted text. subscriptThis allow you to use subscript to position one or more characters slightly below the normal line of type superscriptThis allow you to use superscript to position one or more characters slightly above the normal line of type |